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User: ricordami
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Votami nella TOP 1000 della numismatica
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Elenco delle monete da 12,52 Euro

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0,25 1 1,50 2 2,5 2,50 3 3,88 5 6,35
6,78 7 7,50 8 10 10,00 10,23 11,34 11,65 12
12,02 12,40 12,50 12,52 12,79 12,91 14,23 14,54 14,67 15
15,25 16,60 17,09 20 25 30 50 100 200 250
300 400 500 1000 2000 5000 100000

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Ultimo utente iscritto xhezon, Wednesday 9 November at 21:00